configure App-v client to access a sharecache

After the classic installation of the App-v client, it can be redirected to access a sharecache location.This is useful in scenarios like VDI where you have a cached apps file and yo avoid the stream of the app-v server to the vdi at log on and obtain a better user experience.

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Tips for create a vdisk

The idea is to make that operating system fast and light because it will be need in the VDI context . Keeping that  in mind I put some points as a guide line for producing that kind of virtual disk

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issue maintenance + power off machines- solution

I will describe a problem encountered some time ago regarding finding large numbers of vms in maintenance enabled and powered off.


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Import Power-time scheme

#ImportPowerTimeScheme <Uid> <FileScheme>
$PowerTimes = Get-BrokerPowerTimeScheme
Foreach ($PowerTime in $PowerTimes)
$Content=Get-Content $file
Set-BrokerPowerTimeScheme $PowerTime.uid -PoolSize $Content
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green “Enter your txt here”

Export Power-time schemes for all desktop groups

#Export Powertime scheme
$PowerTimes = Get-BrokerPowerTimeScheme

new-item -Path “path”  -ItemType directory
Foreach ($PowerTime in $PowerTimes)
$file= “path”
echo $PowerTime.PoolSize | Out-file $file


Configurare Manuala pentru clientul App-V 5 Sp2

In general un service pack este o colectie de “hot fixuri” si nu aduce cu el o schimbare majora a softului de baza.

Dar in cazul App-V 5 Sp2 Microsoft a scos interfata utilizator a clientului , totul este mult mai transparent.

In cazul in care cineva inca mai vrea sa foloseasca interfata grafica pentru configurare, ea se poate downloada de aici : Interfata are extensia .appv  si se poate livra catre clienti ca orice aplicatie virtuala app-v.

Pentru configurarea automata via PowerShell:

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App-V 5 AppPublish and Interactions PDF

Listing the properties of a site

#Version 1.0

#Provide the following values before executing:

#The FQDN and port (if not the default of 80) of the DDC
#Eg: ‘’
$ddcAddress = ”

#End of variables
asnp Citrix.*

Get-BrokerSite -AdminAddress $ddcAddress



Scheduling a Power Action to Turn on a Desktop

# —————————————————————————————————
#PowerShell sample script to create a power action to turn on a XenDesktop 5.x desktop
#Note: One or more required values must be specified below before executing the script.
#Version 1.0

#Provide the following values before executing:

#The FQDN and port (if not the default of 80) of the DDC
#Eg: ‘’
$ddcAddress = ”

#The name of the desktop
#Eg: ‘DOMAIN\ComputerName’
$desktopName = ”

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Listing all Desktops in a Specific State

#PowerShell sample script to list XenDesktop 5.x VDAs in a specific state (as noted below), sorted by name
# VDAs that are:
# – powered on,
# – available,
# – do not have a pending power action, and
# – are set to shutdown after use
#Note: One or more required values must be specified below before executing the script.
#Version 1.0

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