After the classic installation of the App-v client, it can be redirected to access a sharecache location.This is useful in scenarios like VDI where you have a cached apps file and yo avoid the stream of the app-v server to the vdi at log on and obtain a better user experience.
Category: vmcore
Jul 26
create DFS for sharedcache
first sept for the creation of a DFS is to go on server manager and select on the right side pane the “Roles” node. In the right side pane click on the “Add Roles” button just like in the picture.
Jun 21
Creation of the sharedcache file
First of all you have to be log on with an account that can start all published apps Open the registry editor of that machine.Select “Run as administrator” = enter the password provided Locate and document the App-v Staging Computer Cache File Location The value can be found at 32bit Systems: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SoftGrid\4.5\Client\AppFS: FileName 64bit Systems: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\SoftGrid\4.5\Client\AppFS: FileName …
Jun 10
create DFS share for App-v
In this article will show how to install DFS share for the sharecache feature of APP-v First step will be In the server manager window select on the right side pane the “Roles” node.In the right side pane click on the “Add Roles” button just like in the picture.
May 13
App-V 5 – Modificari pentru client – sccm delivery
1. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\AppV\Client\Scripting EnablePackageScripting = 1
May 10
upgrade la client App-v 4.6 SP2
Pentru migrarea de la versiunea SP1 la SP2 nu trebuie făcute modificări inainte de migrare se rulează direct noua versiune SP2 Cerințele suplimentare sunt rulate la lansarea instalării
Feb 19
Conversie pachete app-v de la 4.6 la 5.0 + testare
Salut Un mic articol de “how to” convertire pachete app-v 4.6 sp1 sau sp2 la 5.0. Cerintele cu privire la masina client : -app-v 5 sequencer trebuie sa fie instalat -powershell 3.0 instalat -drepturi de administrare Deschidem Windows Powershell x86 cu drepturi de administrare Introducem urmatoarea comanda pentru a vizualiza lista completa …
Nov 09
App-V 5 RTM disponibil pe site-ul Microsoft
Salut Pentru cei care au lucrat sau vor sa lucreze cu virtualizare de aplicatii, Microsoft a publicat oficial sursele pentru pachetul lor MDOP – Desktop Optimization. In pachet este versiunea RTM App-V 5. Anuntul oficial se poate vedea aici : Sursele se gasesc aici : Nu sunt cel mai mare fan Microsoft…:) dar App-V …