Category: XenDesktop 7

Creating a MCS catalog and machines

To create a MCS Catalog for the Xendesktop use the Studio console and launch the wizard, but prior to that is necessary to have a windows client installed  domain joined and with VDA  7.15 inside. My choice was a windows 10 1709 release

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Offline vdisk creation

There are some situations when the PVS server can’t be reach from various reasons. In this case there is  a  workaround to create a vdisk from scratch and import to PVS server  latter on. In my scenario  I will have a vmware infra there I will have the base image and i will attach another …

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Skype and XenDesktop

On this article I try to tackle a little the topic of using the Skype for Business in the VDI environment. Citrix developed a new  plugin for  HDX RealTime Media Engine 2.0.100 designed for this special special task to help the implementation of  Skype in VDI.

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Upgrade License server to 11.13.1

The upgrade of the License server is quite simple as the wizard will upgrade it automatically. The only thing that is important to do prior to license server upgrade is to backup the lic file, just in case as a best practice. So the 1st step is to launch the installer

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HDX Framehawk Virtual Channel

Has anybody tried the new Framehawk ICA virtual channel? If yes maybe you can tell us how it works and what was your testing platform? We where asked to do a short POC for this in order to see the differences and improvements it can bring with high packet loss or congestion. When we finish we …

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Rules for the PVD disk (Personal Vdisk)

I will post a short description for the new way that the PVD can split the application and user part. By default this is a 50/50 split, and recently we had to modify this for one of our clients. In the new version of PVD that comes with XD 7.6 the “default” behavior has changed …

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XenDesktop Setup Wizard 7.6- new “feature”

When using the Xendesktop Setup Wizard on version7.6, I encountered the follow problem, the wizard is not keeping my HDD  attached to the virtual machine template at the value defined by me,  it recreated a new HDD of 6GB default value  on SCSI at the 0:1  instead the original one at 0:0 ….

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Xendesktop controller upgrade 5.6 FP1 to 7.6

On the existing XenDeskop Controller  5.6 FP1 uninstall in the following order the older version on controller. – console -Citrix Xendesktop server You might want to leave web interface for legacy. in my upgrade i left that in place.

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SQL update script

There are cases when the access to the databases servers is restricted or the user that is given has not enough privileges to make the update automatically in a migration situation….  in those cases Citrix offers a possibility to generate a script that can be given to DB Admin to run on your databases to …

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PVS console upgrade from 6.0\6.1 to 7.6

After the server upgrade the console is need to be upgraded to the same level So on the wizard window run the console installation       Accept the license agreements 

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