Albu Alexandru

Author's posts

HDX Framehawk Virtual Channel

Has anybody tried the new Framehawk ICA virtual channel? If yes maybe you can tell us how it works and what was your testing platform? We where asked to do a short POC for this in order to see the differences and improvements it can bring with high packet loss or congestion. When we finish we …

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Rules for the PVD disk (Personal Vdisk)

I will post a short description for the new way that the PVD can split the application and user part. By default this is a 50/50 split, and recently we had to modify this for one of our clients. In the new version of PVD that comes with XD 7.6 the “default” behavior has changed …

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Import Power-time scheme

#ImportPowerTimeScheme <Uid> <FileScheme> $PowerTimes = Get-BrokerPowerTimeScheme Foreach ($PowerTime in $PowerTimes) { $file=”path” $file+=$PowerTime.Uid $file+=”.txt” $Content=Get-Content $file Set-BrokerPowerTimeScheme $PowerTime.uid -PoolSize $Content Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green “Enter your txt here”

Export Power-time schemes for all desktop groups

#Export Powertime scheme $PowerTimes = Get-BrokerPowerTimeScheme new-item -Path “path”  -ItemType directory Foreach ($PowerTime in $PowerTimes) { $file= “path” $file+=$PowerTime.Uid $file+=”.txt” echo $PowerTime.PoolSize | Out-file $file }

Configurare Manuala pentru clientul App-V 5 Sp2

In general un service pack este o colectie de “hot fixuri” si nu aduce cu el o schimbare majora a softului de baza. Dar in cazul App-V 5 Sp2 Microsoft a scos interfata utilizator a clientului , totul este mult mai transparent. In cazul in care cineva inca mai vrea sa foloseasca interfata grafica pentru …

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App-V 5 AppPublish and Interactions PDF

Listing the properties of a site

#Version 1.0 #———————————————————————————————– #Provide the following values before executing: #The FQDN and port (if not the default of 80) of the DDC #Eg: ‘’ $ddcAddress = ” #End of variables #****************************************************************** asnp Citrix.* Get-BrokerSite -AdminAddress $ddcAddress   :))

Scheduling a Power Action to Turn on a Desktop

# ————————————————————————————————— #PowerShell sample script to create a power action to turn on a XenDesktop 5.x desktop # #Note: One or more required values must be specified below before executing the script. # #Version 1.0 #———————————————————————————————– #Provide the following values before executing: #The FQDN and port (if not the default of 80) of the DDC …

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Listing all Desktops in a Specific State

#————————————————————————————————— #PowerShell sample script to list XenDesktop 5.x VDAs in a specific state (as noted below), sorted by name # VDAs that are: # – powered on, # – available, # – do not have a pending power action, and # – are set to shutdown after use # #Note: One or more required values …

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Getting the Service Status of a DDC

# ————————————————————————————————— #PowerShell sample script to display the service statuses on a XenDesktop 5.x DDC # #Note: One or more required values must be specified below before executing the script. # # #Version 1.0 #———————————————————————————————– #Provide the following values before executing: #The FQDN and port (if not the default of 80) of the DDC #Eg: …

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