Create an Applayer Image

After you have all the components ready OS , platform , application layer you can construct an image using them

Log into the ELM console and go to

Select create a template :

The wizard will start fill up the fields with suggestive naming and choose the appropriate layers to use for the new image :

edit the app layers and add the desired application layers that are need it

select also theplatform layer that will be used into the image

Select the connector mode of pushing the image, in my case is the citrix connector that will push image directly to PVS server, the other option can be pushed on a share, on a vmware infra or a MCS

give a name to the exported image and fill a desired disk size if the automated one is not good for the purpose

Press confirm and complete

A summary of the configuration will pop up after checking you can either create template or create template and publish that means the build will start immediately and the new image will be created

After that a image template is created and can be updated modified as need it.

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