On the existing XenDeskop Controller 5.6 FP1 uninstall in the following order the older version on controller.
– console
-Citrix Xendesktop server
You might want to leave web interface for legacy. in my upgrade i left that in place.
Verify that you have the latest license server installed and also the licenses are still under Subscription Advantage. ( As a trick if you have demo licenses will go without problem the migration to this new version)
Another step is important to make a the database backup. In case the update fails to go back to the original state.
Let’s upgrade 5.6 FP1 to 7.6 !
launch the installer
Press on studio and server components
Accept the license agreement
A short review of the tasks that had to be done in order that the upgrade will go nice. check the i’m ready to continue.
I noticed that the old VDA is registering on the new XenDesktop controller so the VDA update can be made after.
In case you can’t or forget to upgrade the license server this will come up but no worries you can go further with the upgrade just check the box “let me continue…”
same case if your SA is expired ….
configure the firewall and go to next step
a short resume of the components that will installed is shown press upgrade
it will take some time depends of the hardware speed
the final of the update process check the launch studio.
The server upgrade is finish but not completed. the database has to be upgraded too from the studio console.
There are 2 option how to upgrade manual by script or automatically. In my demo i go for the automate one is more fast and saves time.
A popup will show asking for the upgrade site and choose i’m ready to upgrade and press upgrade button
Wait … wait till the process will go automatic
In my case the failures are from the license server so no worries the update went well 🙂
Citrix ask for a survey . I am against … you might have other opinion 🙂 and that is all.
At the end you can check that all the consoles are in place and if your legacy web interface is connecting to the new infrastructure.
On the Citrix Studio warning about the rest of Delivery Controllers that need to be updated ( do the rest updates ) and at the end register all the delivery controllers at once
After that we have a new XenDesktop 7.6 controller working
For the rest of the controllers the steps are the same with the exception of the site upgrade which is made once on the 1st one
As a good practice if you have many controllers to upgrade Citrix recommends to upgrade at least half of them and you can stop and continue later… let’s say the other day 🙂
HI, how can the database be upgraded? Thank you!
Follow this Citrix procedure https://docs.citrix.com/en-us/xenapp-and-xendesktop/7-15-ltsr/upgrade-migrate/upgrade.html