On my scenario i had the SQL server 2008 R2 ( mirror) who served the PVS 6.0 and 6.1 servers and according with the Citrix documentation i didn’t had to make any specific preparation. Of course a backup is need it in case some thing goes wrong. After the backup is done on the SQL server or just verify that the full backup jobs run as expected you can go to the next steps
So 1st of all I log on to the PVS server and as first action uninstall the old version of console and server from Programs and Features
At the end the recommendation for a reboot in order to have a clean uninstall done is displayed . so i reboot machine. this operation should be done the same on all PVS servers farm when the time comes
Mount\insert media of the new PVS 7.6 into the system and tun the autorun.exe
the main menu will be displayed, select first the server installation
the prerequisites will be display for automatic installation press install
A new conector for the SQL 2012 is recommended to be installed in case in the future your SQL will be migrate to a new version
The install wizard starts after the prerequisites installation is done
Agree with licenses terms as usual … Hehe
Default path for installation
the owner of the server fill in and get to the next step
Just the installer follow the path… be patient … and finish
A message will be displayed that the console is not installed.. just press OK
Now the configuration procedure for the server will follow press next
Leave default setting (in my case it was the case) if not change as you have in your infra for DHCP services
Same observation for the same window with PXE services
Now as we have the database in place at the next screen the option “farm is already configured” is the one need it for upgrade purposes
On the next step i leave it as default … but the same if you have other choose according with your needs
The default for me is Ok so i went to next
Select the network interface for management and streaming
i leave that as default here
At the next step i add the steam servers that i have
A quick review of all the settings and leave the check for starting the services press finish
Now the automatic Database upgrade kick in. I press yes to make the process easy. I already had the backup done and all is ok
Wait for the services to be started
The server PVS 7.6 is in place up and running.
The console install will be describe in another post
Thanks for posting. Any idea if the 6.x Target software will boot to a PVS 7.6 server or will you have to make sure to update the Target Device software at the time of the upgrade?
Hi Jeff,
the target device 6.1 will boot on the PVS 7.6. But citrix recommend that the update to be done after the server upgrade, in their view is not a supported configuration.