Tips for create a vdisk

The idea is to make that operating system fast and light because it will be need in the VDI context . Keeping that  in mind I put some points as a guide line for producing that kind of virtual disk

1. stick to the idea that you have to have on that image only the stuff that all or at least most of the users use like the an Office package, archive software, PDF reader etc.

2. After some time of tuning and  study i get to this chart of   the services that on windows must be disabled ( the example given is from window 7) .

I put also the recommendation for visual effect too (video appearance has a big impact on performance)


performance settings adjust for best performance select only smooth edges of screen fonts & user visual styles on windows and buttons
application experience disable
diagnostic Policy service disable
distributed link tracking client disable
IP Helper disable
windows update disable
BITS disable
Adobe acrobat update service disable   that is usual installed on OS … that why is here 🙂
offline files disable
SMS Agent Host disable  in case the you use the SCCM
windows firewall disable
windows time manual

3. All automatic software updates must be disabled because…… in time …. new updates might come and pop up for installation on every reboot. a good example is JAVA

4. Verify if there are any GPOs that can intervene and start some unwanted services  for example

5. On the antivirus part I followed the citrix recommendation and also before creation of the vdisk i didn’t install any antivirus not to block Xenconvert tool process.




    • WHG on 11/06/2014 at 5:22 PM
    • Reply


    Item #5 does NOT make sense. Can you please correct that sentence? I am not sure what you are trying to say.

    1. Thanks. I correct that I hope it’s sounds better now.

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