Install and configure Personal vDisk

In this tutorial I start from having already a vdisk with a VDA  5.6 version which I remove it and used the one from the Xendesktop 7.1 version for my PvD

So first step was to mount my vdisk to update device in read\write mode and uninstall the old VDA . second step was to copy the entire source of the Xendesktop 7.1 on the vdisk and launch the autorun.  The printscreens are from a french win7  🙂


start the wizard


Click on Virtual Delivery Agent pour systeme d’exploatation windows server



Check on créer une image principale.  Press on  suivant


Check  non,installer VDA standard. Press suivant. I didn’t  need that HDX features



I unchecked the Citrix receiver and pass to the next step



I add manually the controllers and test their connections and  pass to next phase



Thick the personal vdisk box and go on the next



Firewall rules … in my case i had to do it manually  and press next



Press install



reboot the machine at the end of the setup process. After that you can do what ever tunning you need and at the end follow the last steps

12go to start menu and find citrix and update personal vdisk.


Wait till the process is finish and the vdisk is shutdown. after that you can put the vdisk in read only mode and get to the next step of construct your PvD catalog using the xendesktop wizard

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